I'm trying to compose a blog post for a friend of mine. He has a network of different artists writing tips for his site, and I thought I had the perfect post to contribute, which was my journey into grad school. I had all of these motivating points to make and inspirational reflections to share, but as I looked back on the entire journey I became overwhelmed. The story is much more complicated and how much of this do I want to share?
For the past two weeks I've been dancing between excitement, fear, and grief. I'm excited for the future, fearful of the change, and I'm grieving the loss of the miserable person I used to be. I know, it's madness and I want to kick my own ass for even having these thoughts. I guess I'm still pinching myself. Is this truly for real? But I'm supposed tormented and emo! What is this shit called HAPPINESS?
I know, give this moment to the little girl who constantly stared out the window wondering where her life would go.
What's been on the Happiness Playlist: