Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Student Fashion #1 Unique


I work at a continuation highschool here at Treasure Island. I've been working for this program for almost two years, and some of my greatest fashion and artistic inspiration has come from this place. The girls here are bold and experimental with their fashion and I enjoy complimenting their crazy steez, so I dedicate a lot of this blog to them. Crazy Bootches.

Unique is one of my favorite students, and yes the style fits the name. We used to call her the "One who gets dressed in the dark." She would come to school with about 30 neon shoelaces tied to one leg and 50 mardi gras beads on her neck. My favorite moment is when one of the case managers told her she looked like a Christmas tree.


She created this moniker called "Waffles and Jelly" to describe her style. Unfortunately she retired Waffles and Jelly when she turned 18 so she could dress "normal" and become and aspiring model. I enjoy seeing her everyday with a voice that is cross between a person who inhaled too much helium and a squeaky old southern lady. Unique definitely deserves to be the first student style post.

Here are some Unique Highlights:





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