The past five months have been a lot of traveling and a lot of kickin it. The best part about being single is ending up in the most random places, and allowing yourself to experience new things. I went on three trips in a four month span, not exactly jet setting status, but the most I've traveled in the U.S. in a short period of time. Every one of those trips was a blast, and it helped in finding my way out of a dark time. If a friend asked me if I wanted to visit or if I wanted to come with, yes came out of my mouth before I even had a chance to blink.
Things are gonna slow down a little. Yesterday I made the decision stop some things in order to live in the present. I'm very optimistic and hopeful with way things are going. It's different to be in a place of hope versus a state of uncertainty.
Atlanta, good southern comfort. Tory our gracious host took us to great places to eat and crunk places to dance. His grandmother's salmon croquettes were a great send off. They flying biscuit restaurant's white cheddar grits were to DIE FOR. I will post more pictures when they arrive. Of course I didn't bring a camera!
Children learning how to be human. The good kind of human. In college we learned a lot of social experiments on the savagedry of human behavior. In our modern society it's very clear that people have the capability to do unimaginable cruelty to one another. It's gotten to the point where good deeds are over commended, because we no long experience them.
Mr. Kanamori, a fourth grade homeroom teacher in Japan, takes an introspective approach in teaching his students empathy and compassion. He teaches them a way to be "happy" in a way that doesn't revolve around acquiring possessions or instant distractions. You learn to be happy because you are giving, and you are being supported by those around you.
This documentary brought up some interesting memories, as these students deal with issues such as death and bullying. I thought about my 5th grade classmate Billy Garcia who died when he was hit by a diesal truck. How we dealt with that as a class at the time left an imprint in my mind. As kids we learned how to bury tragedy quickly and silently. In "Children Full of Life" I finally learned what I needed to hear all these years later.
I've only given a snippet of what I've taken away from this documentary. Below is a brief article that CBC, the network that created the documentary, described about the award winning series.