Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gap Year

My cousins from Australia were the first to expose me to the concept of a Gap year. A gap year (also known as year abroad, year out, year off, deferred year, bridging year, time off and time out) is a year during which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The gap year is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. However over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking a gap year after completing their degree.

I've worked full time for the past five years, and looking back. As any American knows, it's very frowned upon to take time off or to take a break. It is almost an obsession to be worth as much as the money that we make.

Unlike my European counterparts, I cannot travel anymore. I'm tired of having a credit card debt. I'm facing the truth that I have no dinero. This is probably why most Americans don't take a Gap year, unless they are on unemployment or living on credit.

What I was first perceived as a death in my career and spirit, was actually a gift of a gap year. I'm not sure if this would have had the same effect if I had done this right after college. I have a different sense of worth now than I did back then.

As I prepare for round two in the UCLA writers extension program, I am grateful that I struggled to get here.


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