Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 4 No Facebook

Today I got some text messages from friends who were trying to tag me in pictures. They asked me if I deleted my Facebook, and were appalled when I said yes. For a second I felt a little sad and left out, but I found that quitting Facebook is like quitting smoking. I can breathe easier.

I miss watching the viral video of the day. I miss the pretty faces of all my friends and family. I miss being connected to people's lives, even if I'm just being a voyeur.

However, I'm a jealous bootch, and I don't want to know about any one's engagements, babies, great jobs, hot boyfriends, great husbands, cute kids, how skinny and pretty you are, and all the other marks of life that I have not encountered.

I'm also a grouchy bootch and I don't want hear about how much you hate work, how your co worker is being a bitch, the pictures of the food you are eating, your stupid check ins at the gas station, your bathroom as backdrop profile pictures, your passive aggressive disses towards other people, or what color your poo is today.

That is my day 4 folks.


lexi920 said...

I will let you know my status here...I took a poop this morning and it was truly awesome!

You must really must miss Facebook - ha, I'm proud of you. Actually, I am a little jealous of folks that refuse to hit a Like button let alone create a Facebook profile!

The Bootch Manifesto. said...

I do miss Facebook. It's been a daily reflex for the past four years. I've had a social network for like eight years. What the hell did I do with myself before this shit?????

lexi920 said...

what did any of us do before this shit?

We actually called each other on the phone hahaha

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