Tuesday, November 8, 2011


"Forgiveness is giving up hope that the past could have been any different"- Oprah

It's no secret that I'm a fan of Oprah. It's more of a love hate relationship, because she inspires and annoys me at the same time. When she first said this to two girls who were raped their whole life by their brothers and father, I was appalled because this didn't seem like the right thing to say.

But then she said, "It doesn't condone what they've done.  It allows you to move on and let the past be the past."

I can't imagine that these words alone will help these two women, but it puts a perspective on how we operate our minds when we think we have nothing else to look forward to.

So there you go. The past is the past. It couldn't have been any different.

Monday, November 7, 2011

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.

Two can be as bad as one. It's the loneliest number since the number one.

I've been contemplating on my solo-ness. It's bring a lot of growth in ways that you never expect. I feel more secure with myself more than I ever did.

Thanks Kiwi for the reminder on "how to love."

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Condoleeza Rice on The Daily Show With John Stewart

I used to super hate this bootch.

She is part of the sorriest most remorseful administration, but I love this interview.  As a woman, I respect her ability to not be intimidated by powerful men. She answers questions without a single ounce of fluster. I only wish I could be that Jedi.

Her interview with John Stewart was very balanced and thoughtful. It did not leave me rolling my eyes, which is very rare these days. The part about Gaddafi though, is pretty damn funny. "Black Flower in The White House."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Condoleezza Rice Extended Interview Pt. 1
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Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Called a Funeral

E's mentee/little brother/collaborating artist Jo Ill shared E's voice message that he left on his phone. He put a beat to it... and there you go... E's a star :)

Various the Awesome Pup Pup

Various was an awesome dog, and I loved to call him PUP PUP! He was the faithful companion of my two good friends Ann and Anthem.

It was always a pleasure to see his sweet face at the door trying to see who was on the other side. It was just Auntie Christina about to give him a big bear hug, cuz I love him so much!

During the weekend that I had to go E.'s funeral I stayed with Ann and Ant and got to spend the WHOLE day with Various!

My Theme Song

My two good friends Anthem and Ann made a theme song for my blog. It's pretty hilarious, but I couldn't figure out how to get audio on my blog until Soundcloud.

Peep the themesong. LOL

Boo the bootch by cying689