Sunday, February 19, 2012

I am a motherfucking writer.

I've been in deep reflection.

I'm starting to see the rewards of my sacrifice, and it's almost to the point where I could collapse and kiss the floor.  I'm so close to getting what I want and the anticipation is maddening.

There is no other feeling like realizing your purpose in life. You can't package it or simplify it. It really takes going through the journey.  I'm emotional just writing about it, because there were so many years where I just caught in the fog. I was always meant to be a writer.  I am a motherfucking writer.

The events that led to me to this place do not define me.  The journey was crazy,  but the destination is awesome.


lexi920 said...

Love me some Sade!!


YES BOOTCH you are a writer and a BADASS one at that...enjoy your moment!

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