Friday, February 1, 2013

Sharing is Caring

Today I was reading tweets from a blogger whom I absolutely LOVE,  and I was ready to jump after her after she threatened to commit blog suicide. This word "over sharing" has been used a lot lately when it comes to bloggers and social media, but hello, everyone is doing it. Whether is snarky thoughts about your bitch room mate, complaining about your coffee, 500 pics of your dog, twenty videos of your baby,  I've accepted that if I have access to you online. I'm going to know it all.  Give it to me. I need another baby video.

I've actually had the opposite problem of not having shit to share on my blog.  Maybe on the real,  I'm gun shy for the vary reason my girl wants to commit blog suicide.  The down side of the internet is that everyone is a fucking expert. As fly as I am, an off color comment will send me scarfing four rows on oreos. I love blogs! Political blogs, mommy blogs, celebrity blogs, cat blogs. Give me MORE. I love all of the endless info. Who knows if I'll have kids,  but reading homegirl's mom blog was insightful, because she's trying to be a writer as well as raising a family. Sigh, I can't jump after her. C'est la vie.

If any of you have learned something about my dumb ass life that put things into perspective, we must be like minded and fab. Blogging is an edited moment, thought, and it will fly away in people's minds until they read something else that catches their attention. I just don't have the attention to write about my boring ass life, but I want to try harder. I need to relieve the load that chatters in my brain.


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