Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gobble Gobble

I always find a way to feel fat and miserable around this time of the year. The conversation around weight will always fly out of someone's mouth and I have to counsel myself for the next hour.

"You know these are YOUR genes that I have?"

This conversation puts me through puberty all over again, and I don't have enough snarky comments to combat childhood ingrained insecurities. Am I the only that checks my stomach and thighs after Thanksgiving? Fuck this shit I don't want to do it anymore.

All my life I've been rewarded or praised for losing weight. It's something that I never want to do to my daughter. I'm trying to stop to habit of noticing when someone loses weight, because I know that I am toying with someone's self worth.

Right now my self image is the healthiest that it's ever been. For once in my life I'm not weight obsessed, but old habits die hard. There will be no yo yo diet this year. I will eat what I want and I will not exercise out of guilt. This is the best new year's resolution I've ever had.

I promise to enjoy my worth.

Come join me.


Anonymous said...

eff yes!

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