Saturday, August 4, 2012

One More Month To Go: Pep Talk

I have one month before I leave for Chicago.  If I sit still long enough I start to shiver. What if this is a fluke? Maybe I'm not ready for grad school, I'm not a writer,  and Northwestern is going to send me home as soon as they read my stuff.  How the fuck did I get into this prestigious college? Then in my head I slap myself in the face, shake my shoulders, and scream "Get it together Christina!"

You got your ass kicked, got up, and asked for help. With enough preparation, focus, and determination you took the proper steps that were needed to get into school. The last decade may seem a blur, but it nothing happened in vain.  Nothing about this is an accident. You are a creative, and you picked the right program. Soon, very soon, we will have to pack our things and leave Los Angeles.


lexi920 said...

And we will all miss you here in California - North, South and everywhere in between!

You can do it WE all know YOU can!

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